Manual J Load Calculator
Manual J Load Calculator
Click here: What is Home Square Footage?
The total floor area of your home in square feet. Larger homes require more heating and cooling capacity.
Click here: What is the Number of Rooms?
The total number of rooms in your home. Each room adds to the heating and cooling demand due to air circulation needs.
Click here: What is the Number of Windows?
Windows influence heat gain and loss. More windows typically mean higher heating and cooling requirements.
Click here: What is Insulation Level?
A rating of your home's insulation quality. A value of 1 means poor insulation, and 5 means excellent insulation.
Click here: What are Climate Zone Factors?
Climate Zone Factors are BTU requirements per square foot based on your region's climate. Heating zones range from 20-50 BTU/sq ft, and cooling zones range from 15-35 BTU/sq ft.
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